Recent projects

Hoogweg 2023
7000 m3 water was treated to specification for re-injection into the formation. This is the preferred option as it totally eliminates the need for disposal of the highly saline brine.

Geothermal formation water 2
We've effectively eliminated solids and heavy metals, allowing for the responsible disposal of 1,800 cubic meters of treated water.

Geothermal formation water 3
We've implemented a multi-step process to remove solids, preparing the testwater for safe reinjection, making this environmentally responsible step possible.

Oil Terminal 2015-2023
A single process was designed to tackle run-off water as well as tank cleaning waste water. The result was zero out of spec occurrences from 2015 onwards (Rijkswaterstaat standards).

10 hectare composting company
All leachate / run-off water was trucked from this facility. Through installation of an initial waste water process and many subsequent improvements this company can deal responsibly with its highly organic waste water.

Waste oil from drilling cuttings
The use of oil based mud in drilling operations results in a waste stream of oil that was only fit for use as shipping fuel. We purify the oil which means that it can be re-used for its original purpose and the recycling loop is closed.